Francis Willmer McAulay Memorial Cottages Charity – new resident opportunity
We have a vacancy ideally for a retired couple in one of our alms-houses in Aylesby.
Our cottages offer accommodation for retired persons of good character and on low income who live in Aylesby or surrounding villages.
Preference will be given to applicants who have been employed in rural industries or agriculture who have lived in the area for a number of years.
Two referees will also be needed to vouch for good character and meeting our terms of residency.
Please contact Richard Wendel-Jones at Capacity Buildings Limited, 82 Grimsby Road, Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire, DN35 7DP by post
or by email: richard@capacitybuildings.org.uk or telephone: 01472 240707 for more information and an application form. Thank you.
Management Services Contract
Memorial Cottages & Bungalows
From: 2018 – Present
The Francis Willmer McAualay Memorial Cottages have been part of the community of Aylesby in North East Lincolnshire since the 1920s.
In 2019 a grant was obtained to help do more research into the history of the cottages.
The grant funding comes from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and is made possible by money raised by National Lottery players.
The project has a wider scope than just looking at the Memorial Cottages in Aylesby. We’re interested in a wider understanding of Almshouses in our area too.
The project will also enable local residents, including nearby primary school pupils to discover the origins and explore the history of local almshouses, some of which, like the ones in Alyseby, were built to commemorate local heroes who fell in the First World War.