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Bygone Beachcombers


Project: Bygone Beachcombers

Heritage Project

When: 2017 – 

The project focused on recording the history of seaside visits and holidays over the last three centuries, as well as documenting the changing environmental landscape of Cleethorpes.

The Safer and Stronger Communities team are still in the process of collecting historical artefacts and memorabilia to store within Beach Hut No.9 and are launching an appeal to the public for donations. If you are in possession of any memorabilia, souvenirs or literature which helps to paint a picture of Cleethorpes over the last three centuries, please get in touch.

Alternatively, and if you would prefer, you can lend us your memorabilia, and have it returned to you upon request. Likewise, if you have a story you would like to share about your experiences at the Beach Huts/Cleethorpes generally during the 20th Century, get in touch using the contact details below.

For more information about the Bygone Beachcombers Project, or to donate an item to the display cabinet, please contact VANEL’s Community Cohesion Officer and Bygone Beachcomber project leader, Steve Lynn. Email