Project: Keeping Older People Safe in Cleethorpes (KOPS)
Funded by: Crime Reduction Fund (CRF)
When: Sept 2020 -May 2021
This project is all about keeping older people safe in Cleethorpes, This includes being safe from crime; safe from scams and fraud; feeling safe in their community; home fire safety; weather safe; and of course, these days, about understanding risks from covid-19.
The project has been funded through the Crime Reduction Fund and we have been working with partners including Humberside Police, Humberside Fire and Rescue, Trading Standards, Big Local North Cleethorpes and others.
We’ve recently been delivering scam training sessions over zoom to older people in Cleethorpes and working in partnership with Trading Standards to deliver scams avoidable advice to local residents.
Stay Safe guides
In preparation for a very different Christmas and Winter 2020, we worked with local partners including the local Policing teams, to decide on messages that we wanted to share with older residents in Cleethorpes. The end result was a “Stay Safe” booklet which has been distributed around the community. Thank you to those partners and volunteers who have assisted distribution.
All the details about all of the Stay Safe guides can be found on this page here.
The first edition of the booklet (for Christmas 2020) can be downloaded as a .pdf here or seen below. A second Winter edition can be downloaded here. Please share widely. If you work with older people across Cleethorpes please share as best you can.
In February 2021 a further version of the Stay Safe guide was prepared for the older residents of East Marsh. Not strictly part of the KOPS project but we were pleased to extend the reach of the booklet we had provided for the benefits of other areas. (This guide was funded separately via East Marsh Involve). Download the East Marsh edition as a .pdf here.
A West Marsh edition was also produced in June 2021 through independent funding from a Neighbourhood Networking project.
The KOPS project funding via the Crime Reduction Fund came to an end in May 2021 but the initatives started through KOPS will continue through 2021. Big Local North Cleethorpes will be further supporting KOPS in the North Cleethorpes area over the coming months.
The KOPS project has been funded through the North East Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP) Crime Reduction Fund 2020/21. This in turn is funded by the office of the Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner.
Thank you to our partners helping to deliver this project:
Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL)
Big Local North Cleethorpes (BLNC)
North East Lincolnshire Neighbourhood Watch Network
Thank you to organisations supporting us:
The Humberside Policing teams for Croft Baker, Haverstoe and Sidney Sussex wards
Friendship at Home
East Marsh Involve (for the East Marsh Stay Safe guide)
Contact us
To discuss this project please contact us and speak to John Mooney, Karl Elliott or Paula Grant.